Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nivea "Love Hurts" New Video w/ Lil Wayne cameo appearance..

Hip Hop Culture (– WTF! I can’t believe this.Nivea done dropped “Love Hurts” sounds like it’s directedstraight to her baby daddy Lil Wayne, and I can’t believe he’s in the video with her. If he aint a pimp I don’t know who is. I like the video and check out the ring she throws at Lil Wayne, he picks it up and places it on the counter.

OMG Weezy you are the man right now. Just tell me how in the heck are you dealing with all these 5 star baby momma’s, they’re friends, no arguing, no fighting playing their parts. What is it serious? What are you working with besides your millions? Heck nawwwwww…… a lesson for these ladies to get it together. You can’t stop a man from cheating when it’s in his blood. So, Holly-World deal with it, get you and/ or keeps it moving!